Right Steps & Poui Trees

Rainbow: Weekly Photo Challenge – Smile


“This week, show us a smile (yours or someone else’s), make us smile, or both. Share a photo of something that has brought a moment of joy into your life recently, or focus on the outcome of that joy.”

Wordsworth wrote, “My heart leaps up when I behold/ A rainbow in the sky”. And rainbows reliably evoke a moment of joy in me, bring a smile to my face. One morning earlier this year, I saw a double rainbow when I was up on my roof. Bliss! Far…P1250114 (2)

…or near….P1250126

Rainbow: Weekly Photo Challenge – Smile

Author: rightpouitree

Navigating the real and virtual worlds and sometimes writing about what I observe...

8 thoughts on “Rainbow: Weekly Photo Challenge – Smile

  1. Wow! Beautiful! Rainbows always bring a smile to my face. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Smile: Fatboy – What's (in) the picture?

  3. Very beautiful captures!


  4. Pingback: WPC: Smiley Face | Lillie-Put