Right Steps & Poui Trees

Constitutional Court Strikes Down Jamaica’s National Identification (#NIDS) Act


In a far-reaching judgment delivered this morning, Jamaica’s Constitutional Court declared the National Identification and Registration Act, 2017 to be “unconstitutional, null, void and of no legal effect. The consequence of this is that the statute is struck down from the laws of Jamaica.” (Press Summary, p. 3 [5])

The full press summary is available here: Press summary of judgment in Julian J Robinson vs The Attorney General of Jamaica – April 2019NIDS press summary blog pic 4-19

The full judgment has been posted on the Supreme Court website (click here). The website also has an audio recording of Chief Justice Sykes delivering the judgment.NIDS judgment on website blog pic

I have also included a copy of the full judgment here: Robinson, Julian v The Attorney General of Jamaica – judgment 12-4-19NIDS judgment blog pic

There is much to be said about this ruling and its implications. But here is the information to start with…

Author: rightpouitree

Navigating the real and virtual worlds and sometimes writing about what I observe...

2 thoughts on “Constitutional Court Strikes Down Jamaica’s National Identification (#NIDS) Act

  1. I absolutely agree with the Justices on this. Criminal prosecution penalty for not handing over blood type, iris scan, and fingerprints for I.D.? Ridiculous in a free and democratic society. It’s not always the low level criminals you need to worry about. A wealth of manipulations and attacks ranging from blackmail to sabotage can be done by agencies or groups, local or foreign, who get their hands on so much potent biometric data. In a time when people’s data makes big bucks, there are certain risks we need to carefully measure.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: ജമെയ്കയുടെ ഭരണഘടന കോടതി ദേശീയ തിരിച്ചറിയില്‍ നിയമം (#NIDS) റദ്ദാക്കി – നേരിടം