Right Steps & Poui Trees

A Perfectly Ordinary Day

1 Comment

Growing up I hated Sunday evenings. I have said so on my blog before. The weekend was practically over. There would be school on Monday morning, and I often still had homework to finish.

Yes, there was often something entertaining to watch on TV…a variety show…Tom Jones or Englebert Humperdink…a BBC drama…The Forsyte Saga or War and Peace. Don’t laugh. JBC was the only TV channel here in those days. No hundred different channels, no Netflix, no YouTube. My father would buy ice cream or pastries on a Sunday, and we would have those while watching TV together. So Sunday evenings weren’t all bad, but still…

Half a century later and Sunday evenings still aren’t my favourite time of the week. I prefer Saturday mornings and Sunday mornings, when there are still hours and hours before the weekend ends. There remains a buffer between the slower pace of the weekend and the Monday to Friday busy-ness.

I like the slow unwinding that can happen on a weekend day, more likely on a Sunday for me, like today. Waking up early, but being able to stay in bed. With a cup of fresh fevergrass tea, sweetened with honey from bees in the Blue Mountains. Reading the current book. Falling asleep again. Time for meditation, unhurried yoga, time to write. A stretched out breakfast…a piece of pawpaw…some callaloo and saltfish…another cup of tea…. The hours roll by and morning turns into afternoon turns into evening and the dogs have been fed and the sky has chosen its colours and lines for this particular sunset. Heavy on the greys, some pinks and oranges, above the ever present line of the hills.

I think back over today and realise it was a perfect day. Those days come in many different formats, some of them marked by very special moments. Some of them quite ordinary. And this was one of them. Give thanks!

Author: rightpouitree

Navigating the real and virtual worlds and sometimes writing about what I observe...

One thought on “A Perfectly Ordinary Day

  1. Lovely 😍 Pam
