Right Steps & Poui Trees

Gliding Birds, Rising Moon: Weekly Photo Challenge – Delta


“This week, share a photograph that signifies transitions and change to you. It can be the very beginning of a phase, or the very end. As you pick up your lens, explore the ways in which a single photograph can express time, while only showing us a small portion of any given moment.”

The moon has been doing this for millions of years, “rising” and “setting”, in its different phases…long before we humans were around to witness it.  The birds have been gliding across the sky for a far shorter time, but certainly time measured in many millenia. That afternoon, I watched in awe as the moon rose and a flock of birds glided in slow motion, on invisible currents, across the cloudless blue sky. Gliding birds, rising moon, a moment in time….

Gliding past the moon 2017

Weekly Photo Challenge – Delta

Author: rightpouitree

Navigating the real and virtual worlds and sometimes writing about what I observe...

14 thoughts on “Gliding Birds, Rising Moon: Weekly Photo Challenge – Delta

  1. Great shot 🖤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Those are Magnificent Frigate Birds, but they are usually found near the sea coast. An absolutely gorgeous photo!

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  3. Pingback: Delta Tide | What's (in) the picture?

  4. Simply stunning!!!

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  5. As Time is part of this challenge, it’s appropriate that you’ve shown Great Timing (and a good eye) for this photo. It would be geese here, but I like these better.

    Thanks also for your comments on my post.

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  6. Pingback: WPC: Delta | Lillie-Put

  7. Such a beautiful interpretation of this week’s theme! Loved the moon shot with the birds flying. We’ve never been lucky to capture the moon when the sun’s still out.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! I’ve been able to get shots of the moon during the day a few times now. It is always a lovely feeling when I do. I fantasize about getting a shot with both the moon and the sun in the same frame, but I know that’s not possible….is it? 🙂

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