Right Steps & Poui Trees


Hawk Deh Near…But Not For Long: Weekly Photo Challenge – Danger!

“This week, share a photo that says Danger! to you.”

The presence of a chicken hawk (Red-tailed Hawk/Buteo jamaicensis) caused great consternation among the neighbourhood birds that morning. From the moment I went on the roof, I could hear them making loud calling sounds, as though warning each other that danger was near.P1130480I then watched them mount an amazing co-ordinated effort to drive the hawk away. They dive-bombed it repeatedly…nightingales…P1130502…cling-clings…P1130472…and even a streamertail hummingbird at one point, though I wasn’t lucky enough to get a photo of that! In the end, the hawk was chased away and the danger passed. At least, until next time….

Weekly Photo Challenge – Danger!