Right Steps & Poui Trees

Grey Days: Nature’s Colours


For mornings such as this…

…when Tropical Storm Zeta in the western Caribbean Sea…

…streams rainclouds across the sky, blocking the morning sun…

…nature provides a fallback of other yellows…

…to counter the grey….

Author: rightpouitree

Navigating the real and virtual worlds and sometimes writing about what I observe...

3 thoughts on “Grey Days: Nature’s Colours

  1. I hope all is well in Jamaica. Seems like the Atlantic has seen one storm after another ,while here in the Pacific, it’s been a very quite season.

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  2. Thanks for the good wishes. Tropical Storm Zeta didn’t hit us, but we got incredible amounts of rain from some of the outer bands. This came after weeks of high rainfall, so there has been flooding in many areas. Unfortunately two people died in a landslide. And lots of road damage. It has been a VERY active Atlantic season, with many of the systems taking this southern Caribbean track, then into the Gulf. And more than a month still to go…

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    • Over the past three years, the storms that have some close to the islands have been like that – little wind but lots of rain and flooding. I hope the rest of the season is a bit calmer for you.

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