Right Steps & Poui Trees

The Poincianas Were in Bloom

The day that I went on campus for my 2nd dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, back in July, the poincianas were in bloom.

I walked around taking pictures of them.

I haven’t done that much this year…

…just wandered around places…

…taking photos….

So many changes.

But the poincianas keep blooming…


Grey Days: Nature’s Colours

For mornings such as this…

…when Tropical Storm Zeta in the western Caribbean Sea…

…streams rainclouds across the sky, blocking the morning sun…

…nature provides a fallback of other yellows…

…to counter the grey….

Tree in a Backyard: Minnesota

I stood in a backyard in St Paul, Minnesota, trying to take a photo of a bright red cardinal as it flitted from tree to tree. Such a beautiful bird, but it just wouldn’t sit still! Every time I moved slowly into position to snap a photo, the bird flew off to a new vantage point! So I got no photo of the bird….

This tree in the backyard, however, stayed still enough for me to take a number of photos, which I now share with you. If anyone can identify the tree for me, I would be grateful.

Here is its crown pictured with two other trees against a clear blue sky…MN backyard tree

It had beautiful blossoms in abundance…P1390472 - MN backyard tree

Here they are closer up…P1390473 - MN backyard tree

The tree had such wonderfully rugged bark…P1390481 - MN backyard tree

And if you look very carefully, up towards the right in this photo, you may see the branch on which the cardinal was sitting moments before I captured this image!P1390480 - MN backyard tree


Flower: The Reproductive Portion of Any Plant in the Division Magnoliophyta (Angiospermae)…

“Flower,…Poor Man's orchid 4-19.PNG

…the reproductive portion of any plant in the division Magnoliophyta (Angiospermae),…IMG_20190414_084851_resized_20190417_110827952 flowers

…a group commonly called flowering plants…IMG_20190414_110020_resized_20190417_110248398 flowers

…or angiosperms….IMG_20190416_154246_resized_20190417_110207045 orchid blooms

As popularly used, the term “flower” especially applies…IMG_20190415_140254_resized_20190417_110348517 flowers

…when part or all of the reproductive structure is distinctive in colour…flowers - crown of thorns

and form.”IMG_20190417_110701_resized_20190417_110724825 flowers jade vine



Pink Poui Tree: Weekly Photo Challenge – Prolific

“This week, show us your interpretation of prolific.”

It is still poui season and a poui tree in bloom is certainly prolific! Last week I shared photos of a yellow poui tree. This week it is the turn of a pink poui tree. (I declare my bias in favour of yellow poui trees, but I would never say this out loud in the hearing of any poui tree!)

Masses of blossoms on the tree…IMG_20180419_155456_resized_20180419_045007084

…and on the ground….IMG_20180419_161100_resized_20180419_060435850

Beautiful, even when fallen…IMG_20180419_160950_resized_20180419_060307106

Weekly Photo Challenge – Prolific


Come A Little Closer: Weekly Photo Challenge – Out of This World

“Taking a photo is an invitation to explore the world around us as if it were new and mysterious. My favorite shots are always the ones that reveal something — a detail, an angle — I’d previously overlooked. They’re the ones that turn the familiar slightly (or very) alien.”

When you get close to flowers, it can be like entering a different world. Hibiscus…burst…plumbago…



Weekly Photo Challenge – Out of This World