Right Steps & Poui Trees

Photo Fun

Bloganuary Day 2 prompt: Do you play in your daily life? What says “playtime” to you?

I enjoy taking photos, just for fun! I am a happy amateur. I get lost looking through my camera lens, enjoy focusing on what is within the frame, love scrolling through the pictures later on and am delighted when something turns out well. For me, it’s playtime and mindfulness combined.

I didn’t take the picture below. My son did. I didn’t know that he had taken it, until he shared it later. It’s me on my roof, taking photos of the first sunset for 2024. My roof is one of my favourite places to be…flat, grey, boring, concrete slab…which gives me a magnificent view of nature around me!

(Bloganuary is a WordPress blogging challenge, that I’ve decided to participate in. Daily prompts for the month of January. I’ll see how far I make it….)


Once Upon a Sunset…

Leave me alone, please! Yes, yes, sunset photos are a dime a dozen. But watching the sun set is one of the things I love to do. Taking photos of the sunset sky is another thing I love to do. And sharing sunset photos is something else that I love to do. So…

Once upon a sunset, a woman noticed the evening light against a cluster of palms….

She grabbed her camera and climbed the stairs to the roof of her house. From that vantage point, she saw the sunset sky…

She smiled…and looked closer…click…

She played with the zoom on her camera and looked at the trees, the hills, the clouds, the light…

From speakers somewhere nearby, oldies but goodies were playing. John Holt was singing: “I love you, darling, and that’s no lie, oh-oh, Stick by me and I’ll stick by you…”

Once upon a sunset, on a roof in Kingston, Jamaica, life felt really good….

Cloudy Sunset

Every sunset different. Three hundred and sixty-five of them every year and every one of them different. And then consider all the different places from which you can view the same sunset…different geographical locations, different elevations, seaside, city centre, middle of a field on a plain…different, different, different.

A cloudy sunset, seen from up in the Blue Mountains, looking down towards Kingston…

…as the sun disappears and night falls.


Sunrise Surprise!

Any morning that I head to the roof  to watch the sun rise, I am never quite sure what I will see.  Even as I climb the spiral staircase, navigating the narrow space left by the recently installed guttering, I am uncertain what will greet me. Like the morning I took this series of photos…a chilly, overcast morning. Grey was the main colour, as I sat and drank my tea. Little did I know the drama that was about to unfold!sunrise series 5

A heavy bank of clouds hung low in the eastern sky, over a bowl where two hills overlapped. As the sunlight began to shine up from behind the hills, a pink pattern started to appear on the clouds.sunrise series

I  realised that nature was deciding to dance this morning and I was a lucky witness! Brighter pink and over a larger area of cloud…sunrise series 1

And this was the finale! The sky on fire…transformed…sunrise series 6

Tea forgotten; no journaling done. I watched, transfixed. Bathed in this sunrise surprise….IMG_20181118_061515_1_resized_20181216_060007607 sunrise



Moments of Solitude: Weekly Photo Challenge – Beloved

“In this week’s challenge, share with us something that is beloved.”

Moments of solitude are something beloved by me.  To sit on my roof by myself and watch the clouds in their infinite variety of shapes and colours, like these mammatus clouds the other morning…mammatus clouds 2

Or on a cottage balcony, way up in the hills, looking down at city lights…P1160839

Or having breakfast by myself in a town in a country a long way from home…P1040009Time alone…with a book, with a cup of tea, with a journal, in nature…lovely…Journal and cup

Weekly Photo Challenge – Beloved